
Causing a racket

Disney's All Star Sports. Designed by Miami based firm, Arquitectonica, 1994. 

Disney's All Star Sports. Designed by Miami based firm, Arquitectonica, 1994. 

Like many Disney College Program participants, I have been served my fair share of Disney Kool Aid. Though, unlike many, I have not drowned in the spectacle but treaded lightly in the depths of the kingdom. Entering the program, I came with specific goals and things I wished to accomplish. Having my eyes set on the splendor of the utopian-esque nature of Walt Disney World, I felt it could offer me opportunities not many in my field have/could experience. 

I definitely received criticism for choosing to take the program acceptance and work at Disney. Following graduation this past May, I was a designer for the Miami based firm, Arquitectonica, whose work is pictured above, it's nice to be at Disney and see work of those whom I greatly respect. 

Walt Disney World may arguably be the only master plan of the 60s utopian/modernist ideal to be realized and meet promises addressed on the drafting board, encompassing designs identified as speculative and utopian.  A menagerie of sorts, the collection of exotic typographic form continues to alienate guest, placing them in landscapes unknown. The affect designed between user and form is so highly calculated that the artificial nature of it undermines the voyeuristic tendencies of the guest. Admirably, Disney has upheld it's promises and will continue to do so, for this reason alone I respect the company as an entertainment business. One day I'd like to take part in such action and utilize my skills to work in Walt Disney Imagineering to further the magic.

As an architectural thinker, critic, and Disney Cast Member, I have seen the extent and limitation of the magic. The facades can only bring the show so far, dependence on physical infrastructure is essential to immerse the guest in experience but the upkeep of non salient infrastructure such as custodial operations maintains the magic. Acknowledging the limitations of architecture has allowed me to better understand my role in the profession and replace my mouse ears with a critics cap. 

In this blog I will document my time, thoughts and experiences in the parks and surrounding areas.